
Hello, My name is Deanna Wexler and this is my fun unprofessional webpage. It is full of old and new work that I have made throughout the years. Try to ignore the horrible layout of my images, creating a personal webpage through CSS, and HTML is a doozy. I hope whoever finds this webpage has a fun time scrolling through. I do not really have a style. All my creations reflect different periods in my life, so depending on how I feel or who I am when I make a piece determines the style it comes out in. The variety keeps things interesting.


I was born and brought up on the coast of North Carolina. There is nothing I hate more than nautical art. I was surrounded by mermaids, dolphins, swordfish... you name it. Even as a kid I could not bring myself to draw or paint anything from the ocean.As of now, it is a love/hate relationship. I am far more intersted in dark yet whimsical things as well as internet culture and media.


Here is I collection of random pieces I have created. The character concepts and new media tabs were all made while at UNCA. The digital media tab was done on my own time between this year and last year. The charcoal tab consists mostly of work I made at community college and the old art was almost all created my senior year of highschool. Enjoy!